OBA ADEGBOYE ATOLOYETELE (REIGNED 1882 - 1886 and 1902 - 1906)

According to history, Oba Adegboye ruled for a period of about six years after return from Ido-Osun before he died. Some of the major events that occurred in Offa on his return from Ido-Osun are:

The construction of the railway line to Offa in 1906, the very year he died, this event had a tremendous impact on the socio-economic lives of Offa people.

Olofa became the District head of Offa district comprising of villages such as Erin Ile, Ijagbo, Ipee, Igosun, Ira, Ilemona and Igbonna.

Direct taxation was introduced. However, the actual burden of collection fell on the “tax-mallam” during the same period in 1906, the native revenue ordinance laid down the limits of taxes and some taxes were legalized. The tax base was also broadened to include non-farm revenues.

Tax assessments were also introduced in Offa instead of the tribute paid to the Emir in form of farm products. Every male was asked to six to pay six pence per head and in 1906, the total tax collected was only £32.10. At this time, Offa was not a cash crop producing zone; so, most farmers earned little profits from the production of food crops. Furthermore, a large number Offa people travelled to big cities like Ibadan, Lagos, Accra and Abeokuta to transact business.